Self-Care for Baby and Mum

Self-Care for Baby and Mum

Balancing Baby's Needs with Your Own

Being a new mum is an exciting and challenging experience. It can also be overwhelming and exhausting, both physically and emotionally. With the demands of caring for a new baby, it is easy for new mums to neglect their own self-care. However, caring for your well-being is equally vital as tending to the needs of your baby. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss various aspects of self-care for both baby and mum.

Physical Self-Care for Mum

Taking care of your physical well-being is crucial for new mums. Here are some tips to help you stay physically healthy and strong:

  • Rest and sleep: It is important to get enough rest and sleep to help your body recover from the physical demands of childbirth and taking care of your baby. Try to take naps when your baby sleeps and ask your partner or family members to help with household chores to give you some time to rest.
  • Nutrition: As a new mum, it is important to eat a well-balanced diet to support your body's healing and provide you with the energy you need to take care of your baby. Make sure to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein sources in your meals.
  • Exercise: It may seem impossible to find time for exercise with a new baby, but even a short walk around the block can do wonders for your physical and mental well-being. You can also try postpartum exercises specifically designed for new mums.

Emotional Self-Care for Mum

With the hormonal changes and sleep deprivation that come with being a new mum, it is normal to experience a range of emotions. Here are some ways to take care of your emotional well-being:

  • Talk to someone: Whether it's your partner, a friend, or a professional therapist, it is important to have someone you can talk to about your feelings. Bottling up emotions can be detrimental to your mental health.
  • Take breaks: It is okay to take a break from your baby and have some alone time. This can help you recharge and feel more energized to take care of your baby.
  • Practice self-compassion: It is common for new mums to feel guilty or inadequate when they can't meet all the demands of motherhood. Remember to be kind to yourself and acknowledge that you are doing your best.

Skin Care for Baby

Your baby's delicate skin requires extra care and attention. Here are some tips for keeping your baby's skin healthy:

  • Bathing: Bathing newborns every day is unnecessary; in fact, frequent baths can lead to dryness of their delicate skin. Stick to bathing your baby 2-3 times a week, using a mild, fragrance-free baby soap.
  • Moisturising: After bathing, gently pat your baby's skin dry and apply a mild baby lotion to keep their skin hydrated. Avoid using scented products or ones with harsh chemicals.
  • Diaper changes: Make sure to change your baby's diaper frequently to prevent diaper rash. Use a gentle, fragrance-free baby wipes or warm water and a soft cloth to clean their bottom.

Nutrition for Baby

Proper nutrition is crucial for your baby's growth and development. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Breastfeeding: Breast milk stands as the optimal source of nutrition for your baby. It provides all the necessary nutrients and antibodies to protect your baby from illnesses. Breastfeed your baby on demand, and make sure to take care of your nutrition as well.
  • Formula feeding:Choosing to use formula, whether because you can't breastfeed or simply prefer not to, is a completely valid decision. If you opt for formula feeding, it's important to consult your child's doctor to select the best option for your baby. Always follow the recommended instructions for preparing and storing the formula to ensure it's safe. Above all, remember that what truly matters is providing your baby with nourishment and love.
  • Introducing solid foods: Around 6 months of age, your baby will be ready to start trying solid foods. Start with single-ingredient purees and gradually introduce a variety of fruits, vegetables, and proteins.

Playtime and Stimulation for Baby

Playing with your baby is not only fun, but it also helps with their development. Here are some ways to engage your baby in play:

  • Tummy time: Place your baby on their tummy for a few minutes each day to help develop their neck and shoulder muscles. Make sure to always supervise your baby during tummy time.
  • Sensory play: Babies learn through their senses, so provide them with different textures, colours, and sounds to stimulate their senses. You can use household items like scarves, spoons, or even pots and pans for sensory play.
  • Reading: Reading to your baby is a great way to bond and help with their language development. Choose books with bright colours and simple words, and make sure to use different voices and expressions to keep your baby engaged.

Household Safety for Baby

As your baby starts to crawl and explore, it is important to make your home a safe environment for them. Here are some safety measures to take:

  • Baby-proofing: Cover electrical outlets, secure cabinets and drawers, and place safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs to prevent accidents.
  • Safe sleep: Always place your baby on their back to sleep and avoid using loose bedding, pillows, or toys in their crib. Keep the temperature in their room comfortable and avoid overheating.
  • First aid: Make sure to have a well-stocked first aid kit in your home in case of any accidents. Familiarise yourself with basic first aid procedures for infants.


Balancing your needs with your baby’s is vital for both of you. Remember, looking after your own health allows you to provide the best care for your little one. With the right support and practices, you can navigate motherhood with more confidence and joy.

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Please note that the information provided in this guide is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek advice from a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, or go to the nearest hospital. My Huggles is dedicated to supporting mums by providing useful information, but we encourage all readers to consult with a medical professional for any health-related concerns.

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